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  • About Marco Faccone
MGF Advisory

Marco Faccone

It was 1997, and although I was working for one of the best Public Practice firms in the country, my entrepreneurial spirit was driving me to launch my own business. My experience in income tax and estate planning had shown that there were some great solutions available using life insurance. Yes life insurance is a risk management tool, but strategic life insurance used as an asset could be very effective in helping clients grow their net worth or corporate valuations.


Under MGF Advisory Inc., I have had the privilege to work with many wonderful clients since 1997, and helped develop many successful solutions for them. The key has been remaining true to my roots: approach every new case as you would if you were the client; it is client needs that drive the solution (and not the other way around); and establish a relationship with your client that will be shared long-term.


Industry Experience:

25+ years of industry experience

13 years as a Public Practice practitioner (1995 to 2007)

Fee-based Financial Planner since 2007

Life Licensed Insurance Broker since 2012




Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance and Accounting), Simon Fraser University, 1995

Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA), 1998

Certified Financial Planner (CFP), 2000

Canadian In-Depth Tax Course (Part I and II), 2002

Advanced Issues for the Owner Managed Business Course, 2005

Licensed Insurance Broker in British Columbia, 2012

Trust and Estate Practitioner, 2018


Contact Marco

Email: marco@mgfadvisory.ca

Phone: 604.789.3888

Contact Marco Faccone to get started