Categories for corporate estate planning

Are life insurance premiums tax deductible?

Are Permanent Life Insurance Premiums Deductible?

August 18, 2021 10:56 am Published by

A common question I will get during a review of permanent life insurance options is whether the insurance premiums paid are deductible for tax purposes.  For those unfamiliar with permanent life insurance benefits, please review my article:   Seek Tax Advice Below I’ve overviewed some of the general rules surrounding deductibility of life insurance premiums for information purposes.  However, please be advised before continuing in this article that only a public practice accountant should be provided you advice on whether any premiums paid by you or a related entity are deductible for tax purposes. As part of my service...

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The Three D’s: Building A Strong Financial House

December 12, 2019 8:48 am Published by

Ask any child about the lesson they learned from the ubiquitous fable “The Three Little Pigs” and they’ll invariably tell you, “build a strong house!” While that may seem obvious to most of us on a literal level, we often neglect to heed this advice on a metaphorical one. Indeed, while we no longer fear the Big Bad Wolf and his machinations, the lupine specter emerges in the form of the contingencies of life that affect our financial well-being. The Strong Foundation of Insurance Building a financial plan is tantamount to building a financial house, and a strong foundation is...

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corporate estate planning

The Importance of a Professional Corporate Estate Plan

August 23, 2018 3:31 pm Published by

    My neighbour used to pride himself on being handy when it came to working on his car. He would eschew the professionally trained auto mechanics and spend hours in his garage “fixing” his beloved BMW–until it caught on fire and burned up in the parking lot of Safeway. The point of this rather dramatic anecdote? Sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. This applies to corporate estate plans.   A Cautionary Tale Cathy’s husband, Bill, was an active business owner who ran his corporate operations and took care of the accounts. Bill moved his after-tax earnings...

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